Posts Tagged ‘Health Care’


We’ve all been effected by cancer at some point in our lives, whether it’s a family member, or a friend who suffers from the disease. Maybe you even have or had the disease.

Cancer is devastating. Caused by the unnatural replication and growth of mutated cells, these growths turn into what we call tumors, and can be both deforming and deadly. You can get a tumor anywhere on your body, the most deadly and debilitating places being your lungs and brain. Unfortunately, cancer also has the unique ability to spread to different places in your body and cause even more damage, which is why prompt, aggressive treatment is always necessary.

Treatment typically involves chemotherapy, a procedure in which toxic chemicals are strategically pumped into the body, hopefully attaching to and killing the tumor.

Hopefully, being the key word. The problem with chemotherapy is, well, the therapy itself. You see, we actually have no way of making sure that the chemicals attach and kill only the tumors. The poisons that we’re putting into the body are free radicals, and will attach to and kill any living thing in the body.

Chemotherapy is not healthy. In fact, the whole point of the therapy is for it to be dangerous; it is killing cells after all. You only have to walk in to a cancer clinic to see the disheartening effects of the “medicine”; chemotherapy is what makes you lose your hair. It’s painful, tiring, and to some, ultimately debilitating. With our advances in modern medicine, you’d think we’d have a cure by now, or at least some form of safe, effective treatment.

Well, guess what? We do!

But, there’s a catch. The supposed “cure” for cancer is illegal. In fact, on the federal level, it’s a schedule 1 drug: marijuana. More specifically, a product of that drug , known as hemp oil. A Spanish study recently proved that hemp oil has the capacity to treat (and even cure) cancer without side effects. In fact, a study conducted at Harvard University showed that THC, the psychoactive chemical in marijuana, can cut lung cancer growth in half, and even prevent the cancer from spreading.

So, why is the supposed “cure” for cancer illegal? It’s simple, actually: money. See, the reason marijuana became outlawed in the first place is because of money. The state simply could not tax the plant like it could with other resources, and a few law suits later, Mary Jane and her followers were put behind bars.

In our country, we favor money over life. Don’t you dare challenge this; I’ve seen enough homeless people dying on the streets because they can’t afford health care to know I’m right. If we valued life over money, people wouldn’t be as sick as they are now. Just look at the news: steroids and viruses in our meats, insecticides and poisons in our vegetables, and a health care system that demands you pay before you get treated are all evidence of a nation that values currency over continuity.

But enough of that. I’ll be writing an article on our corrupt health care system soon, along with an article on how society could benefit from the legalization of hemp and cannabis. For now, please take the time to view and share this documentary showing how hemp oil can indeed cure cancer.

I urge you to share this documentary with everyone you know. You could save someone’s life. Cancer is a horrific, but unnecessary disease. So, let’s deal with it the same way we deal with every other unnecessary problem in life: getting high!

Cameron Shea