Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

In this unnerving and eye opening documentary, famous whistleblower and ex LAPD officer Mike Ruppert predicts the collapse of American society (and the world’s economy) due to our dwindling oil supply. Making connections to darwinism and several exposed government conspiracies, Ruppert presents a dark side to our seemingly thriving society, and how soon, we will face a collapse on a scale we can’t even begin to imagine.

DISCLAIMER: I did not produce, nor do I own any part of this documentary. All credit goes to director and producer Chris Smith.


We’ve all been effected by cancer at some point in our lives, whether it’s a family member, or a friend who suffers from the disease. Maybe you even have or had the disease.

Cancer is devastating. Caused by the unnatural replication and growth of mutated cells, these growths turn into what we call tumors, and can be both deforming and deadly. You can get a tumor anywhere on your body, the most deadly and debilitating places being your lungs and brain. Unfortunately, cancer also has the unique ability to spread to different places in your body and cause even more damage, which is why prompt, aggressive treatment is always necessary.

Treatment typically involves chemotherapy, a procedure in which toxic chemicals are strategically pumped into the body, hopefully attaching to and killing the tumor.

Hopefully, being the key word. The problem with chemotherapy is, well, the therapy itself. You see, we actually have no way of making sure that the chemicals attach and kill only the tumors. The poisons that we’re putting into the body are free radicals, and will attach to and kill any living thing in the body.

Chemotherapy is not healthy. In fact, the whole point of the therapy is for it to be dangerous; it is killing cells after all. You only have to walk in to a cancer clinic to see the disheartening effects of the “medicine”; chemotherapy is what makes you lose your hair. It’s painful, tiring, and to some, ultimately debilitating. With our advances in modern medicine, you’d think we’d have a cure by now, or at least some form of safe, effective treatment.

Well, guess what? We do!

But, there’s a catch. The supposed “cure” for cancer is illegal. In fact, on the federal level, it’s a schedule 1 drug: marijuana. More specifically, a product of that drug , known as hemp oil. A Spanish study recently proved that hemp oil has the capacity to treat (and even cure) cancer without side effects. In fact, a study conducted at Harvard University showed that THC, the psychoactive chemical in marijuana, can cut lung cancer growth in half, and even prevent the cancer from spreading.

So, why is the supposed “cure” for cancer illegal? It’s simple, actually: money. See, the reason marijuana became outlawed in the first place is because of money. The state simply could not tax the plant like it could with other resources, and a few law suits later, Mary Jane and her followers were put behind bars.

In our country, we favor money over life. Don’t you dare challenge this; I’ve seen enough homeless people dying on the streets because they can’t afford health care to know I’m right. If we valued life over money, people wouldn’t be as sick as they are now. Just look at the news: steroids and viruses in our meats, insecticides and poisons in our vegetables, and a health care system that demands you pay before you get treated are all evidence of a nation that values currency over continuity.

But enough of that. I’ll be writing an article on our corrupt health care system soon, along with an article on how society could benefit from the legalization of hemp and cannabis. For now, please take the time to view and share this documentary showing how hemp oil can indeed cure cancer.

I urge you to share this documentary with everyone you know. You could save someone’s life. Cancer is a horrific, but unnecessary disease. So, let’s deal with it the same way we deal with every other unnecessary problem in life: getting high!

Cameron Shea


Recently while surfing Facebook, I stumbled upon a video that is both disturbing and disgusting.

WARNING: This video is very graphic and disturbing.

The video shows a man, within his legal rights, videotaping a police SWAT operation. However, when the cops harass the man, he responds angrily and yells at them (which I will admit, is not a good idea).

The cops, who must not be in a good mood, arrest the man after he puts the dog in his car. The dog, upon seeing the man struggle, instinctually jumps out of the car and rushes to protect his owner. The cops, not sure how to respond, shoot the poor canine, leaving it thrashing and kicking on the ground.

Here’s what the police did wrong:

– The man was within his rights to video tape the SWAT operation. The cops should not have arrested him. He was not interfering with the operation, and it is a protected right for citizens to video tape police in public areas.

– Even if the cops did not like what he was saying, freedom of speech, especially against government officials (which police fall under), is protected. You could even flip a cop off and win a court case over getting arrested for it. The cops have no grounds to arrest him.

– Part of police training is observing your environment, and every detail in it. Had the cops taken a few seconds to look around, or even pay attention to the situation, they would have seen that the window to the car the dog was in was open. It wouldn’t have been hard to assume that the dog would protect it’s owner.

– The cops could have used their taser instead of using the rifle. There were 4 cops in that group, and about 6 seconds before the dog actually attacked. The average draw speed is a little over 1 second, plus the 1 second it takes to realize there is a large dog coming towards you. They had 4 extra seconds where they were doing nothing.

The cops obviously handled this one wrong. The video ends as the man cries out in agony over the loss of his dog at the hands of ill-trained law enforcement. We can only hope that the poor man gets compensated for the loss of his friend.

Well hey, at least we can feel safe knowing we have people like this “protecting” us.

Cameron Shea


It’s time to be honest here: America is in trouble. When president Bush came into office, we watched our economy start to deteriorate at a rate that was both alarming and depressing. Our standard of living started to go downhill, and debt started to become a way of life.

However, after Bush’s last (thank god) term, a natural born leader rose from the ashes and took his place as president of the United States. Barack Obama became our savior, our diamond in the rough; his voice and speeches were powerful, his demeanor was subtle yet confident, his plan was fool proof, and he promised to get us out of our debt by the end of his first term. Things were finally starting to look up for America as we handed the keys to our county to a man we knew would save us from ourselves.

Well, that didn’t happen. Our debt is still here. In fact, it’s increased since Obama took office. Our savior has let us down, and we’re even worse off than we were with mr. Bush. To add insult to injury, president Obama is destroying the American way of life, and getting away with it too. He’s confiscating our guns, compromising the security of our borders, destabilizing our health care system, and letting the IRS spend our tax payers money on recreational activities. The worst part of it all is that he’s labeling all of his actions “the American way”, making it seem like he’s on our side and at the same time keeping people from becoming too upset with our government.

It’s time for a wake up call. Here’s what you need to know:

– Our debt has reached a new level no one could have predicted, and they’re going to make you pay for it, even though it is our government’s reckless spending that has gotten us in to this mess

– Our government is lying to you and hiding things from you. I don’t need to explain this one, you can research it on your own.

– Our police, the sworn protectors of the people, are abusing you and your “rights” every day.

– Our government knows people are getting discontent. Spending on riot gear and the construction of detention facilities has increased at an alarming rate since 2011.

So, what does all this mean? You only need to tune in to the evening news to see multiple stories of anarchy and revolution across the world. As our debt increases, the total revenue and standard of living decreases across the world. “Stable” countries like Turkey and Iceland have withered under revolutionary actions taken by the people. As civil unrest becomes widespread across the globe, we must ask ourselves this question: How long will it be until this unrest reaches our doorsteps?

While no one has a definite answer to this question, most will agree that it’s not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when”. So, to spare you all the anxiety of worrying about when and how you’re going to prepare, I’ve come up with some helpful tips on how to survive a revolution.

– Be aware that you will more than likely survive this. The only people that get hurt during these times are the ones out in the streets doing the rioting, so if you choose to disengage, you’ll more than likely stay out of harms way.

– Stock up on supplies. ALWAYS have a closet or room that is ready for a crisis. Make sure you have non perishable food, bottled water, a first aid kit, a flashlight, a gun, some flares, and some lighters.

– As mentioned in the previous tip, you need a gun. Having some kind of weapon on you is a must for any safe household. If anarchy breaks out, or some crazy lunatic breaks through a window, how are you going to defend your family? Bare hands aren’t as effective as a 9mm.

– Have a car full of supplies ready to go. Make sure those supplies include a few canisters of gasoline, just in case you’re planning a long trip.

– Make sure you have an escape plan. If you have a family, I cannot stress how important this step is. Make sure it’s as detailed as possible, and always have a back up plan in case the first one fails.

– Keep those you trust close, and strangers far away. Chances are no one wants to hurt you, but you can never be too careful. Anarchy is a dangerous state to live in, so avoiding risky situations is the most effective way of avoiding problems.

Use these tips and information with caution. Our system of government is more unstable than it appears, and it only takes one unfortunate event to send people over the edge, and say “I can’t deal with this anymore”. The discontents of society will more than likely be your allies through this; they see themselves as liberators, and warriors of the people. While you probably don’t have anything to worry about, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

Oh, and don’t forget to pack extra underwear. It sucks when you shit yourself and don’t have a back up.

Cameron Shea


April 15; The bombing at the 2013
Boston Marathon was a tragic act of terrorism that sent shock waves throughout the U.S. People (including our own government) were quick to point fingers, and mass hysteria quickly turned into a manhunt for the 2 bombers from some unpronounceable country near Russia. We quickly convicted the Muslim religion (we even arrested an innocent Saudi man, who was later released), and labeled the 2 bombers “religious fanatics”. After a 2 day manhunt, one of the brothers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed in a firefight with the police. The last surviving brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was apprehended soon after.

The celebration that followed was spectacular. Bostonians flooded the streets to cheer the police and military for a job well done. The bad guys had been caught, order was restored, and once again, our government had saved the day.

However, many questions remain. Some pictures taken at the marathon emerged on the Internet, and some of them show images that are hard to explain and make sense of. Through research and contacts, I have some of these pictures, and will explain them to you to the best of my ability.

Note: I am not a conspiracy theorist or some radical nut case. These photos are legitimate, and I’m only pointing out possibilities as to what they could be of.

These kinds of pictures always seem to pop up after a bombing. Man has a back pack at the beginning of the event, and then POOF! His bag is gone. For all we know, this could just be a random guy who put his bag in his car. However, he has a connection with another man in another photo…

Now this one is interesting. Here we clearly see a man with a backpack, minding his own business. What makes it interesting is that his back pack is scarily similar to the one that got detonated. This evidence is not damning, however…

This image certainly raises some questions. Here we see the same man as the previous photo, except in the last frame, minutes before the explosion, we see him running WITHOUT his backpack. This eyebrow raising image has gotten a lot of attention on image boards such as 4chan and Reddit. Perhaps it is just a coincidence, but it certainly is fishy.

Perhaps a favorite of conspiracy theorists, this image clearly shows a man wearing a cap that has The Punishers logo on it; the forehead of the skull bearing “Craft” on it. This is the emblem of The Craft. The Craft are supposedly a private security/mercenary group for hire comprised of ex navy seals and veterans. Why would these guys be at the Boston Marathon?

Taken after the explosion, here we see even more of the Craft. Witnesses claim that there were at least 3 people in this group wearing hats that displayed the Craft logo. Again, why are they there, and why are there so many of them? Perhaps they wanted to lend a helping hand, though you’d think they would be busy doing their job elsewhere.

This one really raises a lot of questions. For one, why is there a man on the roof of the building that the bomb was detonated in front of? Also, why has there been no official explanation of this photograph, even though media companies keep questioning authorities about it? Could there be even more people behind this attack than we are being led to believe?

All evidence points to the fact that we are truly not aware of what happened in Boston on that fateful day. The Feds aren’t giving us much in the way of answers and explanations, and all the images captured down there are pointing to the fact that there is a lot we don’t know. We will probably never know what really happened at the Boston Marathon, but then again, that shouldn’t surprise us. We never quite figured out 9/11, did we?

Cameron Shea


Whilst doing a friend’s math homework for money (I’m that asian and jewish) I discovered a mathematical sequence known as the Fibonacci spiral, based off of the fibonacci sequence. Now I hate math as much as the next guy, but I found some pretty trippy things. This sequence is found in many parts of the natural world, all the way from the shape of ancient shell fossils to the lines on your fingerprints.

Here are some examples explained with pictures:

Some of the most striking examples were how the shape of Africa fits the spiral sequence spot on, and the most densely populated areas correspond with the most densely clustered segments of the spiral. Also, the way galaxies and hurricanes form seem to fit the sequence perfectly as well.

This is the kind of shit I wouldn’t mind learning in school, because I find it actually applicable and interesting. Alas, we’re left with useless garbage to fill our brain cells.

OG Adamit

Ok, so, if you’re a normal person in America, the title of this article probably grabbed your attention immediately. I know what you’re thinking: “Oh look, another racist kid on the internet trying to piss people off.”

Well, I’m not racist, and I’m not trying to piss you off. Being a philosopher, I believe in the concept of yin and yang. Essentially, this means that in every evil, there is good, and that in every good, there is evil. My job as an article writer is to challenge the beliefs you take for granted every day, and make you think and question these things you’re taught by society.

Unfortunately, society sometimes teaches us to idolize the wrong people. My last article outlined some popular assholes that our society adores, but now I’m turning the spotlight to a truly “good” person: Martin Luther King Jr.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, Martin Luther King Jr. isn’t as good as we make him out to be.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not denying the fact that he has done good. If it weren’t for him and his ingenious movements, many minority races would not enjoy the rights a US citizen is supposed to have.

However, while he claims to represent the minority, there is one minority he refused to support, or even approve of: Homosexuals. That’s right, your champion of civil rights is a hypocrite. You don’t have to look far to find proof, google will bring up many quotes from him and his family concerning his discriminatory views.

Unfortunately, that’s not the worst part. Back in those days, speaking of communism favorably was like saying Voldemort’s name: you never do it, without severe consequences. A lesser known fact about MLK was that he was apparently pro socialist and pro communism, and because of this, the FBI followed him all over the place to see if he was really conspiring with those commies.

During his little adventures, he actually attended a few communist meetings. What he also did, however, was have some young ladies and friends come to his house and have orgies galore.
An article actually outlines his adventures with prostitutes.

“Even former co-workers have blown the whistle on King’s scurrilous conduct. The Rev. Ralph Abernathy, in his book, And the Wall Came Tumbling Down, King spent his last night in the motel having an immoral liason with three women and then beat one of the woman in the morning before he was shot. Assistant Director of the FBI Charles D. Brennan wrote a letter to Sen. John P. East (R-NC) in which he stated that King’s conduct consisted of ‘orgiastic and adulterous escapades’, some of which indicated that King could be bestial in his sexual abuse of women.”

Sounds like a great guy, eh? Most people believe what they are told about people, and don’t question it. So, now it’s your time to judge: Is Martin Luther King Jr. a heroic man we should all look up to? Or was he a hypocritical figure head that we should rethink on idolizing? The choice is yours my friends.

Cameron Shea

Since the beginning of time, there have been people who have risen above the average man and achieved great things, and thus earned their place in today’s history textbooks. When we think of history, we probably think of the people who have influenced history the most, and the amazing things they have done.
However, people make the stupid mistake of looking up to people whom we think have done amazing things, but are actually pretty much total douchebags. Here’s a list of some of these people:

5. Christopher Columbus

Why he’s awesome…

Let’s be honest: If it weren’t for this guy, we wouldn’t be living our cozy little lives in the good ol’ US of A. This Spanish explorer discovered our beautiful land that we call home today, and due to his selflessness, we even named a holiday after him.
With his team of navigators and explorers, he landed on the coast of what is now the Bahamas so that he could begin his expedition of greatness…

… or Not.

… and proceed to kill and torture the native people who lived here.
Although uncomfirmed, many people insist him and his crew tortured, hunted, and raped the native people for sport.
What we do know is that he basically enslaved a whole race of natives so he could sell and trade them for personal gain. If they didn’t comply, he would simply cut their hands off or kill them. Sounds like a great guy, right? Leave it to America to name a holiday after a slave trader and murderer.

4. John Mayer

Why he’s awesome…

Who doesn’t like a guy who plays guitar? I mean, come on now, this guy has won 8 Grammies, and has played guitar with pretty much every big musical artist out there. Who hasn’t heard of John Mayer?

…or Not.

Too bad he’s a total prick. Thanks to some interviews with Playboy and Rolling Stone, we can now safely say this guy is a real asshole.
Some of his classy comments include calling his ex-girlfriend Jessica Simpson a “drug”, and referring to her as “sexual napalm”. If that’s not good enough for you, perhaps the fact that he used the N-word and specifically referred to his dick as a “white supremacist” is. Bravo, John. Bravo.

3. George W. Bush

Why he’s awesome…

I can’t even write why he’s awesome, because he’s really not in any way. Occasionally I’ll hear a few idiots say they liked him as a president, and that he did some good for our country, but I’m assuming these are the same people who told their elementary school teachin’ lady “The only letters I need to know are U, S, and A!”

…or Not.

Let’s start this off by saying that he’s an idiot, and because he’s such an idiot, I was hesitant about putting him on this list. I figured, “Ya know, to be a jerk, you have to know what you’re doing, otherwise you’re just stupid”, but after reviewing some of the things he’s said, it’s safe to assume the amount of ignorance he showed towards the American people and the world in general cearly makes him a jerk.
I used to watch his speeches not because they were useful or because I thought they would make a positive change, but because I looked forward to hearing how he would screw up this time. Dude, for the love of god, he used the word “crusade” against the Muslims, what the hell is wrong with him?
Also, one of my most fond memories of him was when he addressed the Italian prime minister in Spanish, saying “Amigo! Amigo!”, and watching everyone around him adopt a look of “god, just tell him to shut the f*ck up”. In fact, he screwed up so many times, there is actually a term for his kind of grammatical error, known as “Bushisms” (no joke, google it). Yes Bush, we certainly did misunderestimate you.

2. Paris Hilton

Why she’s awesome…

Fashion is a fast growing industry. We all want to look our best, so that way we can be the best.
Ms. Hilton is certainly one of the best when it comes to fashion, and is the perfect poster-girl for the big life. She’s rich, has good taste in clothing, and certainly knows how to live in style. That’s an inspiration to all of us, RIGHT?!

…or Not.

WRONG!! There are a lot of reasons you do not want to follow in her footsteps.
For starters, the only reason she’s rich is because she inherited millions from her father (who owned a hotel), and the only reason she’s famous is because she’s rich. Yep, the basic story of a person who’s rich and famous because they’re rich and famous.
Oh wait, I forgot, the other main reason she’s famous is because there’s a sex tape of her on the internet. Now THAT’s a legit claim to fame right there (Kim Kardashian, anyone?).
Also, when she was put in prison for drunk driving and putting other people’s lives at risk, she bitched and cried about it in tons of interviews, acting as if she was above the law. Boy oh boy, the spotlight sure knows how to pick em’.

1. Che Guevara

Why he’s awesome…

Cuba was a pretty shitty place before the communist revolution. Poverty was widespread, the people were oppressed and not represented, and worst of all, there was no communist government in place.
Lucky for them though, a few communist revolutionaries known as Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, and the famous Che Guevara came to save the day.
Oh yes, the future for Cuba seemed bright and productive, and as the revolution spread, things slowly became better…

…or Not.

… and more people started to die. Have you ever seen this picture on t-shirts worn by discontent youth?

Apparently we like to idolize him because he was a revolutionary. A fighter born from the people, for the people.
While I myself like how he tried to revolutionize communism and fight for the people, he ended up destroying the very people he helped. Are you aware of the Cuban genocide? People like to pin that on Fidel Castro, but believe it or not, Che Guevara was the one who did most of the killing. And while you may be thinking that killing people is necessary for revolution, Che liked to single out specific people:
homosexuals. Che was infamous for opening concentration camps in Cuba specifically for people who spoke out against the revolution, and for people who were found to be gay.
He would go from village to village in Cuba, seeking out the homosexuals, and either kill them there, or take them back to his prisons were they would eventually be killed.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, teenagers wear shirts these days just because it looks cool, not because of what the shirts content may represent. If you’re going to wear clothing with a picture of someone on it, for the love of god, please do your homework and find out why exactly that person is famous.

Cameron Shea

Today in history class, we were learning about the use of drones in foreign countries to carry out strikes against terrorists. Not surprisingly, a debate was started (honestly, can you expect any less from such a hot topic?), and we started to talk about what is morally and ethically acceptable in the military.

So, our teacher, deciding to get us thinking even more, gave us an assignment. A question was brought up to the students:
“What is morally and ethically right?”

I must say, I was taken aback by such a general question about a variable subject. Living in liberal Seattle, I like to think we have a more open minded and philosophical approach to morals and ethics.

My response was this:
“Asking for a general definition of what is moral and ethical is literally impossible. If you ask two people that question, you might get different answers from each of them. If you ask two people from different countries that question, the answers will most likely be very different.

The beauty of cultural diversity is that our morals vary, depending on where we grew up, or how we grew up. For example, in Saudi Arabia, what we consider oppressive and cruel to women is considered normal. What we consider free and healthy is considered downright evil by them.

While the world would be a much more “peaceful” place if there was indeed a general definition of what is moral and ethical, we must realize this cannot ever be achieved. In a way, we should be thankful for that. If there is someone who disagrees with us, it makes us question and rethink our own moral and ethical values, strengthening our character and beliefs so that we, in turn, become wiser and much more intelligent beings.

So, in response to the question, what is morally and ethically right is relative, and all a matter of perspective and how we were raised”.

If everyone had the same morals, the world would be a very boring place. Disagreement stimulates thinking, which is (unfortunately) something a lot of people don’t do nowadays. It’s much easier to be told what to think, which is why many people fall victim to corrupt governments, or “evil” establishments.

Realize, what may be offensive to us, may be normal to others. It’s all a matter of perspective.

(Photo credit to original photographer)

Cameron Shea

The other night I got blazed and explored the internet for a few hours. I was wondering about the various frame rates of film, and pondered the idea of an IRL type frame rate. Or in other words, a frame rate that matched the way our eyes see the environment around us.

After a quick Wikipedia check, I managed to find some clips of some popular movies to view and download at the “IRL frame rate” highdea I just described. I’ve seen 60fps footage from my own video camera, but watching a film in high frame rate is simply mind-blowing, not even a comparison to my home footage. I’m sure being high added to the effect, but it’s incredible nonetheless.

I definitely see this being the new future of cinema. It feels as though you are truly in the movie, witnessing the events in real-time. Movies in 24fps create an easily distinguishable separation from the movie and reality. In a sense, you “watch” 24fps movies and “see” 48fps and 60fps movies.

There’s a brief clip of Avatar available to view in 48fps, and a 60fps clip available for download in .mkv format in the link below, as well as some clips of Inception in various fps.

Avatar Sample at 48 fps

Avatar Sample at 60 fps

Inception Trailer at 48 fps

Inception Trailer at 60 fps